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Housing Maintenance

(1)Bathroom Repair   (2)Circuit Maintenance   
(3)Plumbing Maintenance   (4)Water Leakage Prevention   
(5)Lamps Maintenance   (6)Doors and Windows Maintenance   
(7)Wall Painting  

Appliance Repair

(1)Av appliances  (2)Kitchen Appliances  (3)Air conditioning repair  (4)Washing Machine repair  (5)Small Appliances


(1)Furniture Repair  (2)Computer and Mobile Phone Maintenance   (3)Sewer Dredging  (4)Unclog Toilet  

Price List

维修项目Items 维修套餐 Package 费用 Cost
空调维修 Air conditioning repair 上门检测 Testing 80 RMB
挂机空调维修Suspended Air Conditioner 180 RMB
柜机空调维修Packaged Air Conditioning 200 RMB
中央空调维修Central Air Conditioning 400 RMB
灯具电路维修Lamps maintenance 上门检测 Testing 80 RMB
普通灯具维修 Lamps 150 RMB
开关门板插座维修 Socket 150 RMB
浴霸灯维修 Bath Bully Lamp 180 RMB
水晶灯维修Crystal Lamp 500 RMB
家庭电路检查/小时 Circuit Checking per hour 180 RMB
厨卫洁具维修 Kitchen and washing room 上门检测费 Test 80 RMB
燃气灶维修 Gas stove 150 RMB
油烟机维修 Cooker Hood 150 RMB
花洒龙头维修 Tap 150 RMB
马桶维修 Toilet 160 RMB
浴霸维修 Bath Heater 160 RMB
洗衣机维修 Washing Machine 160 RMB
热水器维修 Water Heater 160 RMB
普通家庭水管维修Water pipe 200 RMB
淋浴房维修Shower room 260 RMB
管道疏通 Sewer dredging 上门检测费 Test 80 RMB
马桶疏通 Unclog Toilet 200 RMB
地漏疏通 Floor Drain Dredge 200 RMB
水池疏通 Pool Dredge 200 RMB
家庭主管道疏通Main Pipe Dredge 400 RMB+

Please consult customer service for details : 17317131710